The one thing that is most important is that when you are told you have diabetes, it is imperative you take charge of your diabetes and stop it from developing further. That is the thing most diabetics fail to do. They do not believe they have diabetes. They are in a state of denial and therefore they take no action at all. They have no symptoms of diabetes. They feel fine and so they do not believe the medical results! Click Here!
When the medical expert states you have diabetes, you must believe it and you must act! Even though you have no symptoms, believe the results of the tests! Uncontrolled blood sugar levels go undetected for years. Most of the time there are no symptoms, but unbeknownst to the person, the uncontrolled blood sugar levels are causing all kinds of complications on their major organs. Click Here!
The medical tests required to determine if a person has diabetes, are not given to a patient unless there is cause to do so. Routine blood tests may be given to determine if blood sugar levels are high, but they fluctuate so much they are not reliable. It takes fasting tests to determine if a person has diabetes. Click Here!
The diagnosis is not a death sentence! The complications of it can be prevented if caught in time. The disease itself can be stopped or slowed down. It is possible to lead a long healthy life with diabetes. The key to it all is to take control when you are diagnosed with it. You must change your lifestyle if you have not already done so. Change your diet and start moving! If you have been eating unhealthy foods and spending your days sitting, then change that! Click Here!
Get up start moving! Get on a new healthy diet! You are what you eat! Click Here!
Blindness, kidney disease, heart disease, heart failure, stroke, neuropathy, and amputation are often the results of this serious disease. People who take an aggressive role in managing their diabetes are less likely to suffer from these potentially devastating complications. Click Here!
There are a wide variety of diabetic nutritional supplements on the market today. They contain ingredients that help lower blood sugar and improve insulin absorption. For example, many natural plant extracts have been used for years to control high blood sugar and related symptoms. Bitter Melon Extract, Cinnamon Bark, Huckleberry, and Banaba Leaf Extract are just a few. Click Here!
There are also nutrients, also used for centuries, that promote overall good health. These can include enzymes, antioxidants, and fat burning nutrients. These have proved beneficial for years and may be worth your trying them.Click Here!
How would you know if a supplement works? One way you can tell is to keep a record of your blood sugar levels to see if the readings are lower and more consistent. Having more energy, losing weight, and feeling better overall would also be signs. Just like with anything else, it will take time to see and feel the results. It would also be a good idea to check with your medical expert and get their approval before making any drastic changes.
Work with your medical expert, follow a nutritious diet, start a regular exercise program, try the nutrients and supplements, if you want, but be proactive and do what you can to stop this disease! Do not do like my mother did. She refused to accept she had diabetes and ended up with poor circulation and it cost her one of her legs. Click Here!
My husband has also been fighting diabetes for 20 years and it is slowly taking his toll on him. He now has circulation and heart problems and takes many different medications to make his life more comfortable. Do not wait around. Start your against diabetes today, while you still can! Click Here!
Have a great day!
Until next time…
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