If you have high blood sugar levels and diabetes is inevitable in your life, then you need to change your diet. First of all, you have to change your diet. Get rid of sugar! Eat less carbohydrates and spread them out throughout all the meals you eat in a day! Stop eating fried foods! Eat more fruits and vegetables! Click Here!
It is a proven fact! A healthy diet greatly improves your blood sugar levels! It can get you on the right path to improved health. If anything will prevent your developing diabetes, then this will do it. If you add regular exercise into the mix, then it will be even better for you blood sugar levels. Proper diet and regular exercise is an awesome combination for improving your general health and your blood sugar levels.
A good healthy diet is one where you do the following; Click Here!
Eat a variety of fruit and vegetables.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables if possible.
Eat whole wheat or whole grain breads, cereals, brown rice, etc.
Eat legumes (beans and peas) often. Add them to your soups and salads.
Include low fat milk, yogurt or cheese in your daily diet as well.
Many of the supplements on the market today do claim to solve many health concerns for people who have diabetes and many diabetics take them. Many supplements claim to lower blood sugar levels and lots of people with diabetes swear by them. Health care providers are divided on the issue of the value of the supplements. It has not been proven either way. Many diabetics swear they help them manage their blood sugar levels which is a critical part of managing diabetes.
Supplements have not been thoroughly tested as have most medications, but I have included a list of the most popular ones and the value they provide to someone with diabetes. Click Here!
1. Chromium is recommended as the essential trace mineral to lower blood sugar levels. It is noted as the supplement that enhances the body's sensitivity to insulin for sugar and fat metabolism and facilitates insulin's ability to get glucose into the cells.
2. Vanadium is an essential trace mineral touted by some as the single most effective weapon to lower blood sugar levels for those with diabetes.
3. Magnesium is a mineral recommended for those with low levels of magnesium. Low levels of magnesium is associated with higher blood sugar levels.
These are three of the supplements recommended for those with diabetes who have difficulty maintaining low blood sugar levels. As always, I would suggest anyone who is considering taking supplements as an aid to improving control of their diabetes, check with their physician first. If you are on prescribed medications, it is imperative you check with your physician first! Any supplement can interact with your prescribed medications, as well as, other supplements. Click Here!
Diabetes affects some 24 million Americans and there are many more who go undiagnosed. Get on a healthy diet and regular exercise program and begin your fight to keep diabetes out of your life.
Take care until next time. Eat well, exercise and stay healthy!